Cognitive science evidence
We’ve used findings from cognitive science, because it helps us to understand why particular strategies work in the classroom. Want to know more? Read on!

Cognitive science includes two disciplines: cognitive neuroscience, which looks at how the brain learns, and cognitive psychology, which is the study of mental processes like attention, language use, memory, and creativity. We’ve used two sources for our cognitive science evidence. These are:
Principles of Instruction
The International Academy of Education
Organizing Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning
The Institute for Educational Sciences
International Academy of Education:
Principles of Instruction

The International Academy of Education (IAE) is a not-for-profit scientific association that promotes educational research and is based at the Royal Academy of Science, Literature and Arts in Brussels, Belgium.
The IAE published a review called Principles of Instruction. It presents ten principles for instruction and suggestions for classroom practice which are based on research.
The International Academy of Education (IAE) is a not-for-profit scientific association that promotes educational research and is based at the Royal Academy of Science, Literature and Arts in Brussels, Belgium.
The IAE published a review called Principles of Instruction. It presents ten principles for instruction and suggestions for classroom practice which are based on research.

IAE principles
- Daily review of previous learning
- Present new material using small steps
- Ask questions
- Provide models
- Guide student practice
- Check for understanding
- Obtain a high success rate,
- Scaffold for difficult tasks
- Independent practice
- Weekly and monthly reviews.
Institute for Educational Sciences:
Organizing Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning

The Institute for Educational Sciences is the statistics, research, and evaluation branch of the US Department of Education. It seeks to provide scientific evidence to help inform educational practice and policy.
This book is a practice guide, which is a set of practical recommendations based on research. For each recommendation it gives a rating of how strong the supporting evidence is, and gives a break down of ways to implement it.
The Institute for Educational Sciences is the statistics, research, and evaluation branch of the US Department of Education. It seeks to provide scientific evidence to help inform educational practice and policy.
This book is a practice guide, which is a set of practical recommendations based on research. For each recommendation it gives a rating of how strong the supporting evidence is, and gives a break down of ways to implement it.

IES principles
- Space learning over time.
- Interweave worked example solutions and problem-solving exercises.
- Combine graphics with verbal descriptions.
- Connect and integrate abstract and concrete representations of concepts.
- Use quizzing to promote learning.
- Help students allocate study time efficiently.
- Help students build explanations by asking and answering deep questions.
Neuroscience evidence

It’s an exciting time in neuroscience as we gain access to more and more knowledge about the brain and the way we think and learn.
In the last twenty years there have been a number of major discoveries and advances in neuroscience, including brain mapping, neurogenetics, optogenetics, and advances in therapy.
All of this means that we now know much more about how our brains work, which we can use to make our teaching even more effective!
It’s an exciting time in neuroscience as we gain access to more and more knowledge about the brain and the way we think and learn.
In the last twenty years there have been a number of major discoveries and advances in neuroscience, including brain mapping, neurogenetics, optogenetics, and advances in therapy.
All of this means that we now know much more about how our brains work, which we can use to make our teaching even more effective!