Join us at the Evidence Bank!

(Scroll down for the benefits)

Peek before you buy

This page on ‘Advance Organisers’
shows you what to expect in the Evidence Bank

Individual access: £12/yrSite licence for whole school/college access


The EBTN WILL help you to understand how we all learn, which is vital to understand to improve your teaching. We give you the research and practical examples of how to:

  • Organise your class, including behaviour
  • Develop a growth mindset
  • Assess prior knowledge
  • Presenting information effectively
  • Getting the challenge right
  • Giving, and using, feedback
  • Using practice and repetition to develop long term memories
  • Use adult support effectively


The EBTN gives research and practical examples of how to improve CPD and leadership in schools.

Using evidence based practice WILL save money, improve teacher retention, improve pupil outcomes and create a happy and healthier school.

Got a question? Contact us using the form below!

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